Sunday, September 3, 2017

WEEK OF: September 4th - 8th, 2017

We had a wonderful first week! 

Reminders: Book orders are due Friday September 8th.  You can also place orders online using our class code.

Mrs. Laudeman’s ELA Class Information:

News about upcoming week:  This week we will be taking the CDT’s.  These are computer based Classroom Diagnostic Tests designed to assess student’s strengths and weaknesses. They will be given 3 x’s a year and they provide a snapshot of the student’s progress.  It also helps students prepare for the PSSA’s. Students will watch a video on Tuesday; Sept 5th in class that will explain the CDT’s and the different tools that will assist them while taking the test.  We will take the CDT’s on Thursday, Sept. 7th in class.   (change in schedule - CDT's will be taken next week ) 

This week we will begin our first story on Wednesday.  We are reading “Because of Winn-Dixie” by Kate DiCamillo.  In reading, we will focus on sequence, summarizing, and the suffixes –al and -ful.  Student’s will be given a Family Times study guide with vocabulary words and comprehension skills. This should be kept in their red folder. You can also view our reading vocabulary on the left side of our homework helpline.
In Grammar, we will focus on declarative and interrogative sentences. Students will also receive a study guide for grammar this week and will be kept in their red folder.
In Spelling, we will have our 1st pretest on Wed. 9/6/17. Students will receive their new list and will begin spelling homework next week.

Monday: No school – enjoy your Labor Day

Tuesday:  no homework

Wednesday: Review new Spelling list words and Grammar study guide 

Thursday: Review new vocabulary for story "Winn Dixie" 

Friday: Sign and return any Friday folder papers; Return Friday folders on Monday.  Have a great weekend!

****Please check your child's HW book daily for any changes to homework