Sunday, April 21, 2019

WEEK OF: April 22nd - 26th, 2019

Mrs. Laudeman’s ELA classes

PSSA testing will resume next week (4/29 – 5/3).
Students will take the PSSA Math and PSSA Science tests

·         Please return on fieldtrip lunch forms asap

Tuesday 4/23/19
Spelling - review list words ~ test Friday 4/26/19 (periods 1 and 3)

Wednesday 4/24/19

Spelling - review list words ~ test Friday 4/26/19 (periods 1 and 3)

Thursday 4/25/19

Spelling - review list words ~ test Friday 4/26/19 (periods 1 and 3)
*Any student that donated an item to our class basket can dress down on Friday 4/26/19 

Friday 4/26/19

*FREE Dress down day for any student that donated an item to our class basket