Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Important 4th grade Information:
Stay safe and Wash your hands
Miss you boys and girls ~ Can't wait to see you all of your smiling faces!!!

While at home, if students would like to review skills, they can use the review links provided on the left side of the homework helpline. Students can review skills through Grammar and Reading videos, ELA practice websites, and other game links provided.  

*Students can also work on their Endangered Species Project that was assigned previously.  You can research your endangered animal through the links provided on the top left side of this site.

If you are looking for additional resources: 
(These are only suggestions - not required) 
*Students can preview any of the Unit 3 Reading stories by logging on to the Pearson site.  When we return, we will begin Unit 3 Week 1 story “Out of My Mind”. I have assigned all of the Unit 3 stories to all of my ELA classes.  Please use the Pearson link and instructions on the left side of the helpline. 

*Students can practice upcoming spelling lists using the Spelling City Links.  I will continue to update the lists, so check back.  You can play games or just practice upcoming list words. 

Attention homeroom students: Our class basket for the NSE PTO Chinese auction will be “Summer Fun”.  A note went home with basket suggestions.  Please send in donations as soon as possible.  Thank you to all parents and students who have already donated.